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Surgical Technician / Hospital Central Service Technician Clinical Instructor
Graduate from an accredited program recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in the specialty field or subject area in which they teach.
Graduate from an otherwise recognized training entity (e.g., hospital-based program) in the specialty field or subject area in which they teach; or
Graduate from an institution located outside of the United States and its territories in the specialty field or subject area in which they teach. Must have on file from an agency which attests to the qualitative and quantitative equivalency of the foreign education and the specific courses. The institution must use the credential evaluation services of an agency that has published standards for membership, affiliations to U.S.-based international higher education associations, and are frequently linked to and used by federal agencies, state agencies, educational institutions and employers.
Also Recommended:
The faculty member possesses two (2) years of occupational (i.e., practical) experience in the subject field in which they teach; OR
A minimum of three (3) years of job-related training and experience, as described above, for those instructors who are not graduates from an accredited program in the field in which they teach AND
General Description of Duties:
Handles student counseling, advisement, and externship placement
Verifies student training, placement follow-up and preparing placement reports
Provides facility requirements for externship site compliance
Prepares externship folders for orientation
Coordinates with the other programs and follow-up with students until the complete the program, graduates, and are placed in successful careers
Records completion of required cases at externship sites
Orient self to hospital site assigned
Orient externs to hospital facility as assigned
Monitor externs for deviations from accepted protocol in the areas of attitude, interpersonal relations, aseptic technique, knowledge and skill, and patient and health team safety.
Document violations of clinical standards using the correct forma and advise the student constructively, monitoring student for positive change or improved behavior
Intervene on behalf of school when behavior of extern or circumstances may jeopardize affiliation with clinical site
Monitor student progress with regard to meeting clinical objectives through observation and by collecting and evaluating appropriate clinical documentation, i.e. time cards, evaluations, case logs.
Counsel students every two weeks with documentation.
Maintain student records, performance evaluation and cases
Place students on attendance probation as necessary and monitor student for compliance with terms of probation.
Tutor students with planned exercises in areas of weakness
Provide team support to staff as necessary by acting as a substitute or assisting on campus as needed.
Supplement student material when needed by sharing experience
Attend clinical staff meetings and faculty meetings as needed
Assist with marketing and affiliation meetings when necessary.
Act as a liaison between School and clinical site and maintain harmonious working relationship between school, clinical site and student.
Submit required documentation to Clinical Site prior to externship
Prepare balanced rotation schedules through various hospital departments for extern
Communicate changes in student assignment to staff
Communicate progress of each student at staff meeting or as needed if notable event occurs
Attend outside workshops and seminars of improving instructional and professional skills when time and resources permit.
Assist financial aid and other administrative departments by distributing call slips or sending students in to campus as required
Communicate schedule changes prior to intended change.
Maintain a positive enthusiastic attitude